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A Demon's Mirror



We arrived in a small village where we encounter a young 14 year-old human girl named Koharu. She apparently was 11 years old when Miroku asked her to bare her children. Of course all three of us, meaning Sango, Kagome and I, were disgusted by this. How could he do such a thing!? But I gotta remind myself that in the old times were different than our time. Young girls, like Koharu, from this era were allowed to be married and bare children at such a young age. She was running away from the Keeper of the Oil’s young lord because he tried to force himself on her.


Miroku takes Koharu asaide to talk to her because Koharu is desperately wants to tag along with him. Miroku begins to embrace Koharu as he begins to explain to her how dangerous it would be for her to come along.


 As we wait near a hill when Inuyasha states, “Does it even look like he is setting her straight?”


“Hmmm…From the looks of it from up here, it seems more like he’s seducing her.”


I hear Kagome as she lay next to me on the grass as we continue to watch Miroku and Koharu.


“Lechure! He is all over the poor girl. A parting like that will make her fall deeper in love,” Sango speaks with agitated voice.


“Why are you staring?!” Sango notices Inuyasha staring at her.


Inuyasha slowly beings to answer, “Well, I might be imagining Sango, but…is there a little jealousy going on with you?”


Sango quickly barks at as with furious enflamed aura overflowing behind her, “It’s your imagination!”


Inuyasha quickly cowards behind Kagome, “If you say so, Sango.”


I sweat dropped, *Oh Sango.*


I got up and walked towards the furious demon slayer in order to calm her down.




I couldn’t help but smile at Inuyasha soft side as he agrees to stay for the night at a local village that we were able find that would happy to take in Koharu. Koharu was crying her tears out because Miroku refused to stay the night due to he was afraid that Koharu would be burden from the likeness of his “Gateway of Passion”. Of course, I slapped his head for his pervertness.


I didn’t realize that I was smiling at Inuyasha for a while until he mention it, “Hey! What’s that smile for?”


“N-Nothing, can’t I smile?” I responded knowing that if he knew that I smiled because I witness him doing such a sweet act will cause the downfall of his “Cool Guy” posture that he holds. The little time I’ve gotten to know Inuyasha, I have realized that he likes any other normal guy who likes to play the tough guy instead of the sensitive guy.


Inuyasha crosses his arms, “Yes but right now your constant smile is creeping me out, Umi.”


*Creepy?!* I immediately stretched his corners of his mouth as various red anime anger veins pulse on top of my head, “Oh yeah! You should see the face you have on right now, Baka!”


Inuyasha tries to wrench out my hands off his him, “Lwet Wgho yoh Crwrazy Wohman!” Let Go You Crazy Woman


“How dare you say that I have a creepy smile!” I continue to stretch out his mouth. Not caring if I ruined his “Cool Guy” moment at this point.


“I diduhn’th sthay dhat, yoh Liahr!” Inuyasha glares at me.


“Yes you did! You practically said it you, Baka!”


“Kahgomeh!!!!!!!!!! HWELPH!!!!” Inuyasha pleads Kagome to pray off her crazy cousin off him.


Kagome sighed and walked over to help get Umi off the half dog demon. Koharu watches the scene before her in quite in amazement, “Do they always act like this?”


Kagome gets in-between us after she was able to get me off Inuyasha. Inuyasha wanting revenge, he tries to lash out at me. Before he could, “Sit Inuyasha!”


Miroku, Sango, and Shippo simply nodded with sweat drops of embarrassment falling down their heads.


Koharu covers her mouth, “Oh my.”



We all gathered at the dining hall where Koharu prepared a huge meal.


“Wow, Koharu! You’ve outdid yourself!” Kagome complimented the amount of food Koharu cooked up.


We all sat down as Koharu began to speak, “I hope you all enjoy your meal while I go speak with the chief real quick about which room you all will be staying in tonight.”


“You don’t need to do that, Koharu. We can ask the chief after we are done eating. Come and eat with us.” I spoke realizing she isn’t going to eat with us with the food she worked so hard to prepare.


With a closed eye smile, “No No No. I am perfectly fine. After all I made this for all of you, especially for Miroku. So please enjoy yourselves as I go and set up your rooms.”


A chill surged down my spine, the moment she responded. It was a weird chill that I even jolted my posture to sit up straight.


Inuyasha noticed my sudden reaction, “Hey you ok?”


I turned to face him with his funny expression he was giving me, “Y-Yeah, just felt cold all out of the sudden.”


Inuyasha found it odd since there isn’t cold breeze blowing in from the open shutters, but he simply ignored it because he thought about my character was just being crazy like always.


“I see, I’ll close the shutters for you, Umi.” Koharu shuts the sliding doors closed.


“Ah, Thank you, Koharu,” she bows before she leaves.


“Please enjoy your meals everyone,” with that she left all of us in the dining hall.


I look down at Koharu’s food she prepared before me. I felt uneasy despite the fact the doors are all closed, there was a slight chilling sensation lingering down my spine. Just enough not to make me shiver, but to feel its presence, *Why do I feel so uneasy?*


Shippo is delighted as he took a bite of Koharu’s stew, “This stew is incredible!”


“You said it,” Kagome commented, “Koharu sure is a sweety. It looks like she really went out of her way to please you with her cooking, Miroku.”


I noticed Inuyasha quickly took hold of his Tensuiga, “What’s wrong, Inuyasha?”


Miroku quickly announced, “We are surrounded.”


I was taken back by Miroku’s words, “You serious?”


Miroku stood up right after he sat down his bowl, “I fear that the meal that Koharu prepared will get cold.”


“Yeah. Strange though,” Inuyasha opens the sliding door that leads outside, “There isn’t any scent of demons in the air.”


“Let’s search the area.” Miroku and Inuyasha walk outside to see the villagers holding pitch forks and fire lanterns.


The villagers began to attack Miroku and Inuyasha. The zombified offensive tactics that the villagers engaged in, gave Miroku the conclusion that they were under someone’s possession. We have to find the person controlling them in order to save the villagers. With the help of Kilala, they manage to fend off the villagers without harming them.



Still refrained within the dining hall, Shippo, Sango, Kagome and I watch them fending the villagers off. Sango got impatient and was about to help them our when Koharu barges into the room, “Something dreadful has happened!”


“Whats the matter Koharu?” We all looked at the young girl that stood by the doorway panting.


Koharu: “A demon snuck inside and attacked the elder and his wife!”


Sango quickly seizes her huge boomerang weapon, while Kagome fetches her bow and arrow. I on the other hand, fallow them behind them with Shippo in my arms.


As we fallow Koharu down the dark hallway, the similar congealing chill that coursed through my spine earlier that evening, actually spread throughout my body. The sensation actually had my quiver that even Shippo felt it. From my embrace, Shippo looks up, “You ok, Umi?”


Thankfully, Shippo spoke loud enough for me just to hear. I didn’t want to worry Sango nor Kagome. I looked down, while giving him a slight smile, “O-Of course, Shippo.”


Shippo rubs my arm with his tiny hand in order to comfort me, “It’s ok to be afraid, Umi. Besides we have Sango with us.”


“Hehehehe, Your right. Thanks Shippo,” I laughed softly at the sweet thought that Shippo comprehend that my body quivered in fear.


I kiss on top of his head making him smile with his cheeks turning slightly pink, “Your welcome, Umi.”


As we continue walking down the dark hallway, I began to endure this chilling sensation, *Why do I feel like this? Am I really just cold though…but…Kagome and everyone don’t look like their cold, so...*


My thoughts came to a halt as Sango noticed the village chief unconscious on the wooden floor.


“A demon did this?” Sango was a bit bothered at the state the chief was in.


Kagome quickly asked Koharu, “Do you remember what the demon looked like?”


“Not exactly, I only got a glimce of it,” Koharu looked at the ground disappointed at herself.


*What? This doesn’t make any sense at all. Miroku and Inuyasha did say that they didn’t sense a demon nearby,* I pondered as Kagome checks on the chief while Sango examines our surrounding with her eyesight.


Kagome’s expression scowled once she notice the chief’s pupils, “This can’t be, the chief…”


Sango immediately sees the demon near by, “There it is!”


Yet the demon quickly disappeared before Sango. Out of the corner of my eye, I immediately took notice of a young child. I was dumbfounded that the demon Sango was referring to was a white haired little girl with bleach white kimono. She wore two flowers on top of her head with a circular mirror that rest upon the palms of her hands. Sango wasn’t kidding when she explained to be a while back how demons can appear in anything we can imagine even in the imagine as children, but this is crazy! It’s hard to believe that this cute little girl can be a demon.


Without a hesitation, Sango threw her weapon, “Hiraikos!”


Instantaneously, Sango’s weapon collided by an invisible force that ricocheted back to Sango. Before I lost my consciousness, Kagome’s voice reached my ears, “UMI!”



My vision takes a bit to focus, until it does, all I see is pitch black except for the light coming from a huge window, *W-Where am I?*


I analyze my surrounding and realized that there were various glowing spheres swarming around. *What is this place?* I asked myself as I starched my head. When I do, I sense that my body isn’t….well how can I explain it…not my flesh body, but rather it feels similar like a gush of energy. To be more exact, I’m in my spirit form,*Ehhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! How did I manage to die!?*


I began to freak out. I didn’t want to think that I actually died because I am simply soon for me to pass on!


*Wait,* my thought began to recollect, *Last thing I remember was pushing Kagome out of the way from Sango’s weapon…So how can I possibly be dead from that attack? I mean I could be simply be seriously injured, but not killed by it…*


Kagome’s scream cut me off from my death thoughts. I immediately focused at huge window. My astonishing eyes couldn’t believe that Kagome’s spirit was begin consumed by the window.


“I will steal your soul,” a young girl’s voice echoed loudly against the window, as it begins to glow. A blue stream of Kagome’s soul was being grasped by the window before me. I watched in disbelief as Kagome fell onto the ground near Sango and Shippo.


“How strange,” the young demon girl looks at her mirror, “I cannot subdue her soul.”


*What? She cannot subdue Kagome’s soul?* I pondered as the image of Kagome’s body began to become closer. Which mean that the demon girl is walking towards Kagome.


“Sill you are unable to move. Can you not?” She slowly reaches out to grab Kagome’s jewel shards, “What I desire is the jewel shards that you posses. Give it to me.”


“NOOO! You cannot have those shards!” I yelled as I punched the against the demon’s mirror. Hoping that if what the demon girl said is true about she wasn’t able to completely subdue her soul, then Kagome is still partially alive, “KAGOME!”


The demon girl’s widened her eyes because she was confound to see that her mirror glowed as I yelled out my cousin’s name.


*Umi!* Kagome’s zombified orbs quickly regain consciousness and quickly points her arrow at the demon girl.


The young demon child remained in disbelief at Kagome, “How is she able to move in her state.”


*Kagome, thank goodness* I smiled in relief as I held my chest to calm my nerves.


“Let my cousin go!” Kagome weakly threatens.


The demon girl doesn’t respond, she simply stands in front of Kagome without fear.


“I said let my cousin go!” Kagome become impatient and releases her sacred arrow.


The young demon girl looks fiercely at the sacred arrow before it collides against her mirror. The burst of light engulfed my whole being, making me lose my consciousness once again.



Unfortunately after a few split seconds, the arrow was diverted back. Kagome’s sacred arrow nearly misses Kagome by a hair. 


“What? T-This can’t be,” Kagome speaks softly as she falls back down on the ground, “I was sure that my arrow would have released Umi and the other souls.”


“Foolish priestess. My mirror can deflect any demon attacks, even your priestess powers.” The child demon states in a monotone voice.


Kagome grunts in frustration of unable to help me escape from the demon’s grasp, when the mirror begins to glow pink.


“What is this?” she speaks as my spirit escapes from her mirror. My spirit returns to my body when the demon child was about to question how Kagome managed to set my spirit free when Miroku runs into the room.


“Sango! Kagome! Shippo! Umi!” Miroku yells before he notices the demon child, “So she’s the other demon.”


Miroku states as Kilala growls beside him. The demon child quickly vanishes to who knows where.


“Kagome! Are you alright?!” Miroku runs next to Kagome, who is slowly raising her upper torso.


Kilala wakes up Shippo, who swiftly wakes up. “Kilala its you!” he was relieved to see the demon feline until, “Wait! Oh no! Kagome, Umi!”


Shippo looks around in a panic. Miroku quickly speaks to him to calm the demon fox child, “Shippo, they are ok. Just tell me what exactly happened here.”


“What? You didn’t see that white demon that captured Umi’s and Kagome’s souls into her evil mirror?!”


“What? Their souls?” Miroku was dumbfounded.



“I must stop him. He has yet not know about the second demon. The soul thieving demon. Sango’s weapon was thrust right back at her. And the wind scar will hurl right back at Inuyasha!”


I hear Miroku talking as I begin to wake up from top of Kilala. *He can’t used the wind scar.* I spoke within my thoughts. Dredged up the memory of how Kagome was explaining to me of the event before my arrival to the feudal era. It appears that Inuyasha’s arm got injured from a wolf demon, named Koga. Koga had injured Inuyasha’s arm when Inuyasha, when he was trick by Naraku by deceiving him that Inuyasha was responsible of killing his tribe.


I unable to move my body due to the soreness from the sudden impact when I saved  Kagome, *Please someone…Anybody! Stop Inuyasha from using his wind scar!*


My plea was vigorously was denied. My terrified eyes shaken as I see crimson blood seeped from flesh to soil, “INUYASHA!!!!!”


Tears threaten to appear before me. Inuyasha laid upon the earth surface with his eyes hallowed due to the massive pain from his wind scar that was averted against him.

~*~*~All Righful Inuyasha Characters are from Rumiko Takahashi, except for Umi & Chikako who are my RPC that I designed~*~*~*~
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© 2015 - 2024 InaSaori
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mariXsesshy's avatar
oooo can't wait to see what happens nextThumbs up!